Thursday, November 10, 2011

What Have I Been Up To? Why, dancing of course!

Good day, Curlie-Pies! I wanted to drop in for a non-interview type post to let you all know what's going on in my little universe. What a time it's been! God has truly been blessing our dance ministry, so my schedule has been tighter than the plaits mom used to put in my head as a youngster! Come on, ya'll know you'd get greased up real good, then get those tight pigtails (that's what we called them back in the day) pulling your eyes straight back into an instant face-lift, ha ha! Face so tight, we could barely speak. Ah...those were the days. I digress. As I was saying, God has been super good to Ordered Steps Productions. I've been teaching dance workshops, boot camps & we've been booked every weekend! I just can't say how much it means to me, but what is most special is that people are testifying that OSP changed something in their lives after seeing us minister in dance. They say they see true worship & God working through us. For that, I am eternally grateful. With all the public viewings of my little coilies, I've been pretty much playing it straight in the styling department. No room for error when you're about to go up before hundreds of people, you know? Gotta do what works, which right now happens to be Shea Butter, Care Free Curl (more on that later) & MAYBE conditioner only styling. Not to mention, my body has been TIRED. So styling sessions are minimal, but still a part of my world. Last night, the group attended a tech rehearsal to set lights/staging for the South Dallas Dance Festival we are participating in this weekend. The sound tech told me my mane looked "really cool & well kept." That made me feel like all is well with my curls. All is well. So there will be updates coming your way shortly. I've reached my ninth month natural (yay!), been choreographing and writing a lot. I've even been blessed to have articles published by The Coil Review & Curly Nikki! When I was a kid, I thought I wanted to be a famous journalist. Now I realize this is my calling. Isn't it funny how GOD changes our plans? But He's worked everything out in a mightier way than I ever could have! All that to say, never let anyone/anything deter you from your dreams! You've come too far for God to leave you & His Word says you'll never be forsaken by Him, yes? I don't know who this is for, but I dare say we serve an incredible GOD....and YOU are living proof! REFUSE TO BE DEFEATED!!!!!
In continual praise, natural dancer

1 comment:

NikG said...

What a nice blog you have and thank you for the shoutout in your interview on Hair Crush. I am über flattered! You and your hair are just lovely. Thx again.
