How wonderful it is to see so many teens embracing their natural glory! So get ready to meet the awesomeness of Taylor: confident, gifted, talented, caring & cool! She's a Child of GOD going for what she wants in life & rocking a pretty fantastic TWA as she steps her way into success. She's not the girl next door....she's the girl you need to know!
Tell us about you:
-My name is Taylor Davis, and I am a 17-year-old senior, class of 2012. I am a dance major at Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing & Visual Arts. I’m originally from New Orleans, La., but I was raised in Woodville, MS. I moved to Texas during the summer of ’05. I enjoy singing, dancing, hanging out with friends, and worshiping. God is the number one man in my life and always will be. I plan to attend LSU and major in Child Psychiatry! That’s where my heart is. The decisions I make reflect my life goals and strong faith. I am a very confident young lady, and I have God and my FRIZZNESS to thank for that!
How long have you been rocking your frizzness?
- I’ve been natural for only 2 and half months now!
Did you desire a second date following your BC/End of transition, or did you make reservations for a party of ONE? -
I’d definitely have to say I made reservations for a party of one. Cutting my hair and going natural was a great decision. I say that because I’ve through many haircuts and this is the most beautiful and inspiring one!
Natural Hair doesn't define who you are BUT… it most definitely gave me a boost of confidence. Being in high school, the first thing my mom said when she saw it was, “No matter what the kids say, don’t let them discourage you.” Fortunately, I have great friends and peers. I love my hair!
What was the moment of epiphany in your journey?
-I’ve gone through a lot at such a young age. I’ve questioned God and myself. I didn’t have an identity, or at least I didn’t think I did. I began cutting myself and then my hair. I went from long, relaxed hair to a shoulder length cut to a short bob to a “shaved off in the back” bob to a Mohawk. And now, I’m here and HAPPY!
Because natural manes are so unpredictable, how do you combat feeling defeated on days when your crown seems less than stellar (based your OWN criteria)? -On days when I just feel like my hair isn’t curly enough, or it’s too dry, or it’s too short I pray, thank God for what I have, throw on a cute outfit, and start my day : )
Do random people attempt to lay hands in your mane? -Yes! OMG. It drives me insane! Especially when I’ve just picked it out.
Do you find your mane becoming the grand topic of conversation? -Yes, it always seems to merge its way into becoming topic of a conversation. I’m always being asked or told ‘What made you do it’ and ‘Not too many people can pull that off’. It never fails.
CONFIDENCE CHECK: Has natural hair allowed you to dance as if no one is watching, or has your aurora remain unfazed since your relaxed days? -Because I am a dancer, I’ve moved like I never have before. This cut signifies answers I’ve always needed. It means that I will always be loved. It says I can only move like Taylor, sing like Taylor, and love Taylor.
Share some secrets leading to a fabulous, happy, HEALTHY mane...promise we WILL tell! -Honestly, I knew nothing about natural hair but now I keep it moisturized with Cantu products as well as conditioned with Doo Gro products.
What was the WORST mistake you’ve made along the way?
-I’ve been doing pretty well, but word of advice; never let too many people cut your hair. Choose one barber. I went to someone else once, and he went too far up in my hair line. NEVER AGAIN!
What advice can you bless new, transitioning or frustrated kinky curly queens with?
-All I have to say s GO FOR IT! Don’t let anyone stop you. Be YOU for YOU and I promise it will make YOU happy!
What natural experiments put the glam in your crown? Which ones ended up filed under Campaign EPIC FAIL?-Luckily, I haven’t experienced any CEF yet. But the glam in my grown comes from the curl my oils and moisturizers give it.
What's the most fabulous part of your journey to frizzness?
-The confidence I’ve gained most definitely!
Outside of your gorgeous mane, what inspires you? -My inspiration comes from children. Little girls seem to light up my heart when I see then dancing for the Lord. I’ve had a lot of experiences with then being that I work with them. So I get all kind of stories that are just amazing to me. But because I work with them and I am a very observant person, their actions and reactions tell a lot. They are the reason I want and need to be a part of the child psychiatry. I want to help as many of them as I can.
How can our beautiful readers find you on the web?-Facebook; Taylor Davis, email taylor_davis2012@yahoo.com
Many thanks & blessings for getting down to frizzness!
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