How long have you been rocking your frizzness? I’ve been rocking the natural look since August 2008.
Did you desire a second date following your BC/End of transition, or did you make reservations for a party of ONE? Solo reservation here.
Natural Hair doesn't define who you are BUT.....I believe it’s a big part of who I am and makes the statement that I define my own terms of beauty and refuse to live by the normal standards of what is socially acceptable.
What was the moment of epiphany in your journey? When I threw out my own curling irons, straightening chemicals, hair rollers, etc., I thought ‘wow; I really don’t need to go through the agony of this anymore!’ lol
Because natural manes are so unpredictable, how do you combat feeling defeated on days when your crown seems less than stellar (based your OWN criteria)? I throw on a headwrap or cap.
Do random people attempt to lay hands in your mane? No, I don’t get that too often.
Do you find your mane becoming the grand topic of conversation? Randomly, when someone comes up and asks how long I’ve been natural and they want tips on how to ‘cross over’.
CONFIDENCE CHECK: Has natural hair allowed you to dance as if no one is watching, or has your aurora remain unfazed since your relaxed days? I definitely feel bolder and uninhibited since I’ve had natural hair…but it grew on me; I had to get past worrying about how it’d turn out and what people would think.
Share some secrets leading to a fabulous, happy, HEALTHY mane...promise we WILL tell! I get my roots tightened every 2-3 months and try to keep my locks clean between that time. I spray water on my scalp often (between washes) and, for shine and to prevent dryness, I use a light pomade called Max Green Alchemy, which has jojoba oil and other plant nutrients that are supposed to be good for your mane.
What was the WORST mistake you’ve made along the way? Starting my locks with gel….very messy, ugh. Now, I go to a loctician that uses a more natural, holistic approach w/ no gel or wax. It’s called Nzuri locking (basically, like crocheting)
What advice can you bless new, transitioning or frustrated kinky curly queens with? Just go with the flow and let your hair take you where it wants to go.
What natural experiments put the glam in your crown? Which ones ended up filed under Campaign EPIC FAIL? I used to use this tea tree oil b/c it had the best aroma, but later found out it was way too heavy on my scalp; the residue literally came out in clunks when I washed my hair.
What's the most fabulous part of your journey to frizzness? I love waking up everyday and not having to estimate how long it’s going to take to style my hair…just spray water or dab a little oil on it and go.
Outside of your gorgeous mane, what inspires you? Family, friends, writing, writing and more writing.
How can our beautiful readers find you on the web? Catch me on Facebook (Lyndsey Ellis), Skype (lyndsey.ellis3), LinkedIn, or follow me on Twitter (lyellis). Also, you can check out some of my work appearing in Synchronized Chaos and Indigest webzines,, AND magazine, Western Addition Community Newspapers, and Napa Valley News Online. Website coming soon.
Many thanks & blessings for getting down to frizzness!
1 comment:
LOve it! Awesome lady!
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