So, can I just I say I gasped & drooled when I saw of picture of this gorgeous curly's hair? She's such a beauty inside & out & it's my honor to interview her for The Frizzness! She's the fantastic Amber of Luvmykynxx & I promise, she'll make you swoon, too! (DISCLAIMER: grab a paper towel or kleenex for this one - it's totally drool inducing!)
How long have you been rocking your frizzness?
Since 1995 chemical free and May 2010 heat free. I wore my hair relaxed between age 15-21 and was raised naturally pressed with apl to bsl length hair all my life. Funny how I never got heat damage with petroleum based hair grease and a pressing comb now that I look back. =)
Did you desire a second date following your BC/End of transition, or did you make reservations for a party of ONE? I’ve never had the pleasure of BC’ing.
Natural Hair doesn't define who you are BUT.....
It speaks volumes about without you having to say a word.
What was the moment of epiphany in your journey?
A co-worker with 3 inch fro coming to work styl’d up daily, she represented to the fullest and I admired it, not just because it was fly but because it was real, it was authentic.
Because natural manes are so unpredictable, how do you combat feeling defeated on days when your crown seems less than stellar (based your OWN criteria)?
Based on my own criteria I’d say 2 a month maybe. I’m a simple chic…worst case scenario if I’m rushing and don’t have time to do style that will last for the week, I’ll rock a bun and it will be nice enough to avoid lookin’ a hot mess.
Do random people attempt to lay hands in your mane?
Not as much as I did when I first started wearing my hair out in natural styles, I used to keep it in a bun when I had it natural. I don’t get many random people, more people I know who know I’m cool and won’t go off on them =)
Do you find your mane becoming the grand topic of conversation?In some cases, but nothing negative, mostly asking if I will ever straighten my hair again for the most part.
CONFIDENCE CHECK: Has natural hair allowed you to dance as if no one is watching, or has your aurora remain unfazed since your relaxed days? LOL…these are some very well thought out and well phrased questions by the way. I feel like Im being interviewed by Barbara Walters or somebody. =) Being a slave to the flat iron and the look of straight hair is just as unfazed as relaxed hair is, at least for me. I ‘ve always taken great care of my hair even when I was pressing and flat ironing it. It kept a shine and was very healthy and in great condition…well on the external it was healthy but the heat damage showed when it was natural. I still can’t believe I have pics on FB with me wearing this huge afro for all friends to see…and the support is incredible. I honestly could care less about how anyone feels about the way wear my hair now.
Share some secrets leading to a fabulous, happy, HEALTHY mane...promise we WILL tell!Water is your ally. Following another person’s regimen may discourage you from forming a regimen based on your hairs needs especially if the products someone else is using don’t work for you. Learn your own hair and know it better than anyone else.
What was the WORST mistake you’ve made along the way?
Between 2003 and 2004, I got the urge after joining to wear my hair in its natural state and out of the bun , again, but I still wasn’t at the point where I am now , I accept and luv my shrinkage. I tried using curl activator gel by Worlds of Curls and S-Curl No Drip moisturizing spray in hopes of reducing shrinkage, defining my curls, and keeping it moist…can you say follow the drip?! SMH…that’s why I’m so happy we finally have hair products to help accentuate our beautiful hair and bring out its beauty.
What advice can you bless new, transitioning or frustrated kinky curly queens with?Take the time to learn your hair. Wearing your hair naturally takes effort to maintain and isn’t for a lazy person, I have to keep it real. I put time and effort to get the results I get and I’m sure every Naturalista can attest to it. There will be times when you know your head is screamin’ for attention and all you wanna do is chill. That’s when you hop online and type natural hair inspiration and re-focus, or better yet visit my blog I aim to inspire as well.
What natural experiments put the glam in your crown? Which ones ended up filed under Campaign EPIC FAIL?I don’t experiment with products but I will experiment with styles. I tried a fro hawk, it was not the business on me. On the other hand I have come to perfect a flat twist at any length of hair so I’m proud of that accomplishment, =)
What's the most fabulous part of your journey to frizzness?
The fact that I’m even on it.
Outside of your gorgeous mane, what inspires you?
Everyone I see natural inspires me, especially children with healthy hair.
How can our beautiful readers find you on the web?
Your beautiful readers can find me:
FB Page Kynxx~Natural Stylez by Amber,
Twitter: @luvmykynxx
Many thanks & blessings for getting down to frizzness!
Thank you for the invite Beautiful! Continued blessings.
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