If it's true that curly girls rock, then we are pleased to introduce one of the natural industry's HOTTEST sources - Natural Hair Wear! Guys, owner Kelley Saxon is Frizzness personified, & took time out to chat with us about her line of outstanding accessories to help rock your frizz! (Ps - there are so many wonderful photos she shared with us, you just KNOW there's gonna be a take two, right?) Be blessed by this beautiful entrepreneur & support Natural Hair Wear!
We're excited to have you Get Down To Frizzness with us! Tell us your name & about your business:Hello my name is Kelley Saxon and I am the owner of Natural Hair Wear. We specialize in natural hair apparel for women, men and children. We recently added jewelry and accessories to our business. We also design shirts for businesses, meet up groups, special events etc.
What inspired you to get down to frizzness & birth your own company?Ok well let me tell you how it all started… I officially started my natural hair journey in 2008. Prior to going natural, I found myself experiencing dizziness and severe headaches (mainly after my salon visits for perm retouches). I wanted to get to the bottom of why I was experiencing these dizzy spells. Well after doctor visits and a $600 cat scan that did not reveal any health issues (in which I am thankful) I figured it was the lye from the perms. So needless to say I decided to stop "lyeing"!
I have enjoyed every second of my natural hair journey. I have worn braids natural twists, an afro, and last but not least Sisterlocks. I have been locked since March 2009.
One of the things that I really wanted to do was to embrace and promote wearing natural hair. I wanted to display on the outside what I was feeling on the inside. What better way to say it loud than through our everyday dress and hence the birth of naturalhairwear.com. I love jewelry and accessories and I decided to add some jewelry to my face book page to see what the response would be and it has been wonderful. Not only are people buying our shirts they are also getting the tools to accessorize for an even more complete (fierce) look. Currently because we have thousands of pieces and the items change daily we are just offering the accessories via our face book page.
Who is your target consumer? Our target customer is anyone who is interested in our products! We have the shirts for the naturals but have found that non natural family members buy for their love ones who are natural. The same goes for our accessories in which the majority is tailored for females but I have brothers buying pieces for their sisters as gifts. We also have wholesale opportunities.
Are you rocking your natural crown or have you put your whirl of coils/curls in time-out? I am rocking my natural crown which is locks!
"Am I My Curlie's Keeper?" - How has the natural community supported you? I can not even explain how much the natural hair community has supported! The natural hair community is the back bone to our business. We have people who buy from us, refer people they know to us, do face book posting about us , blog about us, you tube videos about us and so forth.. We have naturals constantly praying for our success.
What makes yours stand out from other companies positioned to patronize curly beauties? Our apparel makes everyone love their natural. We stand out from other companies because we have something for everyone.
What transcends your company to total awesomeness? The totally awesome thing about our company is that we create our own designs and use quality tees. We also are on the front lines of the business where we get to interact one on one with our customers. I personally answer the calls and emails.
What's your hottest product that will make a dollar slap a curl? I think the hottest products that we have would be the naturally fierce shirt and the hair accessories.
What's new on the horizon for you? We are currently working on new designs that we think will definitely be a winner for those naturals who are looking to wear their natural in style.
As a business owner & fellow natural, how can we successfully derail the Product Junkie Train - yet still show you some monetary love? Lol, I would say to try out one of our shirts or accessories and then every pay period add another piece to the collection rather than buying all at once.
Today's fashionistas love being fruitfully frugal....what are five must haves in your line that won't make our wallets weep? The unique thing about this is that all of our products were priced in mind with remaining affordable. The cool thing about it is that all of our shirts with the exception of some plus sized are under $20.00. For the accessories the same thing you can really get a bang for your buck.
Where can we find you on the web & purchase products? Please visit our website www.naturalhairwear.com we have items in the shop and preorder areas. You can friend us on face book to view our albums we are Natural Hair Wear. These are some of the links here https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.183075591743931.66499.100001244751976&l=112c2093cf
What would you love to say to The Frizzness community? There is strength in numbers and the word of mouth so read about us, purchase from us, blog about us refer a friend to us. We thank you for the love and support and thank you the frizzness for the opportunity. Natural Hair Rocks!
Thank you for taking the time to share with us; we pray blessings upon your company!!!
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