Here's Part 2 of "A Tangled Curl We Weave," my Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie Review....this product is a MUST HAVE for every curly girl!
Disgusted, Sleeping Curly withdrew her hand from her crunchy mass of frizz. Her mane had turned into a wash-n-NO, stubbornly rebelling against any inkling of curl definition, moisture or fashionability. The robust tick of the clock reminded her there wasn't a minute to waste; she just didn't have the time or patience to put her foot on the neck of her strand's unpredicatability today.
The bathroom quickly became a storm of gels her hair despised, conditioners it laughed at & moisturizers that nauseated her curls as she tossed them about the room.
"NOT TODAY!" she screamed at no product in particular. At this rate, she wouldn't even have a second to beat her face....she'd just LOOK BEAT.
Her fresh manicure snatched up the orange labeled container with Shea Moisture elegantly scribed across the top. It hadn't been opened.
"Why not?" she thought, taking off the lid to reveal an auroma so sweet, her stomach rumbled in delight.
Scooping up a mound of the creamy Smoothie solution, her hair turned an unattractive producty color as she slathered on way too much. She quickly realized she only needed a smidge of the Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie as her frizz melted into beautiful coils under its soft formula. The transformation was faster than Instant Noodles....she was going to be alright!
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