Meet Nina, a cute curly mommie rockin; her own curly rules!
Tell us about you:
I’m a 21 yr old single mommy of 2 handsome sons.
How long have you been rocking your frizzness?
For almost 4 months now!
Did you desire a second date following your BC/End of transition, or did you make reservations for a party of ONE?
A party of one!
Natural Hair doesn't define who I am BUT.....
It definitely made me a better person. Opened my eyes to ignorance and matured me. It helped me become a better person that my children can look up to and helped me to get to know people before I judge them by their appearance!
What was the moment of epiphany in your journey?
When I cut my hair, the great relief I felt of not caring what ANYBODY had to say or how they felt about it.
Because natural manes are so unpredictable, how do you combat feeling defeated on days when your crown seems less than stellar (based your OWN criteria)?
I just remember why I decided to go natural and how far I have come! And I also remember that my natural hair journey is just like a baby that has to grow and mature, so there will be days when she acts out.
Do random people attempt to lay hands in your mane?
Lol! No not yet!
Do you find your mane becoming the grand topic of conversation?
YESSSSSS!!!!! Some people like it and some don’t and that’s fine with me!
CONFIDENCE CHECK: Has natural hair allowed you to dance as if no one is watching, or has your aura remain unfazed since your relaxed days?
At first, I was more shy and less confident but the more I embrace it, my confidence has risen and I’m more outgoing than when I was relaxed.
Share some secrets leading to a fabulous, happy, HEALTHY mane...promise we WILL tell!
Definitely MOISTURE!!! My hair thrives off moisture and oils lol! My hair will always be FAB if I have water and oils!
What was the WORST mistake you’ve made along the way?
Not doing it sooner!!!
What advice can you bless new, transitioning or frustrated kinky curly queens with?Be patient! Like I’ve said before, the natural hair journey is like raising a child. You have to be patient and determined and be persistent! It’s easier to give up than to keep pressing forward. Don’t be a quitter! It’s well worth it!
What natural experiments put the glam in your crown? Which ones ended up filed under Campaign EPIC FAIL?
Glam: My homemade curly pudding
Fail: My homemade egg deep conditioner lol
What's the most fabulous part of your journey to frizzness?
The most fabulous part of my journey is seeing the growth! It grows so much and it’s just amazing to watch!
Outside of your gorgeous mane, what inspires you?
God and my children. With both of them, I will always strive to be the best at whatever I do.
How can our beautiful readers find you on the web?
On facebook : http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/BRAIDS-BY-NINA/113308475374787
On YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/miszlitebrite?feature=mhee
Many thanks & blessings for getting down to frizzness!
Thank you so much for having me!! =)
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