It's such an honor at The Frizzness to introduce you beautiful curlies to the absolutely gorgeous Scarlett....of WONDER CURL! Some of her secrets to a happy, rockin' mane? Wonder Curl Products, of course! One look at her pictures, & you can see the name doesn't fall far from the tree!
How long have you been rocking your frizzness?I started this journey back in 98, right after college graduation. But, I really embraced my natural hair five years ago.
Did you desire a second date following your BC/End of transition, or did you make reservations for a party of ONE?I was in love with my natural curls…at first! As my hair grew out I still had the ‘straight hair’ mentality and quickly ran for a texturizer. When I finally made the choice to be chemical and heat free and to have patience with my hair is when I truly appreciated my curly hair.
Natural Hair doesn't define who you are BUT.....I became my authentic self when I accepted my hair. I was no longer in a constant battle to make it bend to my needs. Instead, I learned to work with my hair by nurturing it.
What was the moment of epiphany in your journey? My epiphany was when I decided to make my own hair products. I tried different products and knew that my hair could look and feel better. When I couldn’t find it, I made it and when I loved the results I had to share it with other curlies. I haven’t had a bad hair day since!
Because natural manes are so unpredictable, how do you combat feeling defeated on days when your crown seems less than stellar (based your OWN criteria)? I rarely have those moments now that I know how to style my hair. I find that when I work my products in my hair while still wet in a systematic way and don’t disturb my mane while it’s drying, I will have good hair days ahead.
Do random people attempt to lay hands in your mane? I used to have strangers trying to touch my hair when I had a full-on curly Afro. I learned how to ‘bob & weave’ and then explain “You never touch a Black woman’s hair without her permission!”
Do you find your mane becoming the grand topic of conversation? It isn’t so much a topic of discussion as it used to, but it differentiates me from everyone else (especially in professional settings) and it is what makes me memorable.
CONFIDENCE CHECK: Has natural hair allowed you to dance as if no one is watching, or has your aura remain unfazed since your relaxed days? It’s always been my personality to live life and take risks. When I first did the big chop – going from back length straight hair – this was a huge risk. It’s turned out to be the best risk I’ve taken to date!
Share some secrets leading to a fabulous, happy, HEALTHY mane...promise we WILL tell! To toot my own horn…using Wonder Curl products. I make products that I love and use. I use ingredients that serve a purpose for our hair such as Aloe vera gel and Virgin Organic Coconut oil. Don’t take short cuts when it comes to your hair! That means, taking the time to work products thoroughly and drying properly. And find a good natural hair stylist who is as passionate about your hair as you are.
What was the WORST mistake you’ve made along the way? My worst mistake was buying a flat iron. I thought this was the answer to my prayers, but it took away every shred of curl and left my hair flat and stringy. I gave that thing away years ago and will never look at another one again!
What advice can you bless new, transitioning or frustrated kinky curly queens with? Patience and Wonder Curl products.
What natural experiments put the glam in your crown? Which ones ended up filed under Campaign EPIC FAIL? My epic fail isn’t a natural one, but a failure all the same: once upon a time and long ago, I got my texturized hair cut. My hair was in straight up shock! Straight pieces standing out…my coworkers gave me the side eye for days.
What's the most fabulous part of your journey to frizzness? Starting my own business from scratch and getting positive feedback. I always wanted to run my own business; this was the perfect choice for me.
Outside of your gorgeous mane, what inspires you? I’m inspired by the other curlies like me. I also get a sense of accomplishment when a woman tells me how much she loves my products. That keeps me going on the days that I’m sleep deprived and ready to give up.
How can our beautiful readers find you on the web? Just go to my website…
Many thanks & blessings for getting down to frizzness!
1 comment:
Scarlet inspired me to do the BC in 2001! I remember the day she showed up at my door with all these curls in 1998! I had just relaxed my hair and cut it -- I was like, I'm doing it, there is no way I can't see what is underneath all these chemicals and heat! It has been a wonderful adventure. And I LOVE my hair. Though our hair textures is different, her products are awesome and so is her passion and knowledge! Everything she has created she has personally tested and she has a high standard for the ingredients as well as the results. Fabulous, talented, and savvy this one is! I am so proud to be her friend and use her products! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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