Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Getting Down To Frizzness: Saleemah of Hydratherma Naturals!
We have been blessed to travel with her from her stunning BC to the sheer awesomeness of her versatil, swoon-worthy mane! Now the voice behind Healthy Hair Journey & Hydratherma Naturals takes time out of her hectic schedule to get down to Frizzness!
Tell us about you:
My name is Saleemah Cartwright. I am the co-owner of the Hydratherma Naturals Healthy Hair Care Product Collection. I am a former cosmetologist and hospice registered nurse. Hair is my first passion and I’m doing what I love.
How long have you been rocking your frizzness?
I have been natural and relaxed numerous times however, this time I am here to stay I did my big chop in 2008 and I transitioned for 5 months. Prior to that, I was relaxed for a number of years.
Did you desire a second date following your BC/End of transition, or did you make reservations for a party of ONE?
I transitioned for 5 months before doing the big chop. I did it myself. My hair was about 1.5 inches long. Going from long hair to short was a big adjustment for me but I loved my natural kinks. After 2 days I was totally in love with my short do!
Natural Hair doesn't define who you are BUT.....
It definitely does give me more confidence.
Because natural manes are so unpredictable, how do you combat feeling defeated on days when your crown seems less than stellar (based your OWN criteria)?
On less than stellar days, I typically wear a bun or a puff. You can’t go wrong with this type of style….no matter what the weather is like outside
Do random people attempt to lay hands in your mane?
I actually don’t have many people touching my hair without asking first. Once in a while someone may touch my hair without asking and it doesn’t bother me at all. I was one of those people who touched without asking because I would be so excited to see and feel lovely healthy hair. I have since made a conscious effort to ask first
Do you find your mane becoming the grand topic of conversation?
Lol…sometimes. Especially when I wear my hair BIG!!! Big hair is always an attention getter. People always ask me how I maintain my hair and what products I use.
CONFIDENCE CHECK: Has natural hair allowed you to dance as if no one is watching, or has your aurora remain unfazed since your relaxed days?
Honestly…. as I have gotten older, I can care less what others think. I now have the confidence to wear my hair how I want. Some people were a little angry with me when I cut off my long relaxed hair. I posted a video of my big chop on my youtube page and some people left negative comments about me cutting off my long relaxed hair. I’m really happy with my hair and that is all that matters.
Share some secrets leading to a fabulous, happy, HEALTHY mane...promise we WILL tell!
1. Maintaining a great moisture / protein balance in the hair to prevent breakage and promote length retention.
2. Protecting the ends of the hair because they are the most fragile.
3. Regular trims have also helped because split ends break.
4. Avoiding heat damage.
What was the WORST mistake you’ve made along the way?
The worst mistake for me was wearing very tiny single strand twist and leaving them in almost 2 weeks. I then unraveled the twists and wore a twist out for a few days. This resulted in numerous single strand knots which I eventually had to cut off. Many others have used this style as a great protective style. It just didn’t work for me. I prefer chunky twist outs and braid outs. It results in less fairy knots.
What advice can you bless new, transitioning or frustrated kinky curly queens with?
I suggest that all transitioners keep their new growth well moisturized and sealed with oil. I transitioned for 5 months and it was not terribly difficult. I have a 4a / 3c mix hair type. Keeping the new growth and line of demarcation well moisturized will help prevent some of the breakage that most transitioners experience.
I also suggest that the transitioner wear curly styles. This will camouflage the difference in texture and will make things easier.
What natural experiments put the glam in your crown? Which ones ended up filed under Campaign EPIC FAIL?
Chunky twist outs and chunky braid outs always work for me.
The banding technique was a definite EPIC FAIL!!!! lol
What's the most fabulous part of your journey to frizzness?
Total acceptance of self was and still is the best part of my journey.
Outside of your gorgeous mane, what inspires you?
I desire to help others. Being able to help others is what motivates me the most. Philanthropy is the foundation of the Hydratherma Naturals line and we support many charities. Our goal is to expand with our philanthropic efforts.
How can our beautiful readers find you on the web?
http://www.HealthyHairJourney.com website
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hydratherma-Naturals/186951174658?ref=ts facebook
http://twitter.com/Hydratherma twitter
Healthy Hair Journey Enterprises L.L.C.
Hydratherma Naturals on facebook
Hydratherma Naturals on Twitter
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
No, not my nails!!!!!!!
Ok, I am finally embracing my coils.
I'm even having fabulous fun with my Frizz.
But there is one travesty, a single act of disrespect, a blip on the horizon of my natural bliss unnerving me to the core of total unacceptability: my styling sessions done mangled my manicures, ya'll!
And I am not happily dancing about it, ggggrrrrr!!!!!
Don't get me wrong, as we all know I am slowly recovering from HIH Syndrome; you know: Hand In Hair. (Admission is the first step to peaceful, well sealed ends).
But I also LOVE using my nails as a relaxation playground, if you will. See, they're long & strong from my paternal Granny's side of the family & I dig experimenting with colors & designs. In fact, if I wasn't called to dance on weekends, I might've looked into working the whole nail shop thing. But I LOVE dancing for God WAY MORE.
So how come every time I hook up a banging set of twists or faux-n-go deluxe (fake a wash-n-go) my beautiful nails end up looking like the "Man Hands" chica on Seinfeld? No, really. And it's not cute. I ABHOR chipped nails!!!! I once stopped watching Brenda on General Hospital because of a scene showing her grabbing the bars of her jail cell, & all my little shocked & appalled eyes could focus on were her horrific, I-chewed-my -BLACK-polish hands nails, destroying the very canvas of the show.
It was that serious.
So in the battle of hair vs. nails, I suppose the hair wins the Rocks-Paper-Scissors toss. But one day, I vow that my hair AND hands will reside together in peaceful harmony.
Until such time....I'm off to the nail ER. (Oh by the way: it took me about an hour and a half to hook up that mani in the photo....and less than 10 minutes to tear it apart.)
There's 2 sides to every Frizz,
natural dancer
Thursday, May 26, 2011
It's a Wonder Curl Day!
Hey, Curlies!
You saw the stunning pictures. You witnessed the glorious crown. And you were blessed by the inspiration of the journey. Now, head on over to wondercurl.com because Frizzness readers have been blessed with a 15% discount off your entire order! There's many to choose from....go get your blessing! <3
Promocode: frizziness
Doing my curly dance,
natural dancer
You saw the stunning pictures. You witnessed the glorious crown. And you were blessed by the inspiration of the journey. Now, head on over to wondercurl.com because Frizzness readers have been blessed with a 15% discount off your entire order! There's many to choose from....go get your blessing! <3
Promocode: frizziness
Doing my curly dance,
natural dancer
Getting Down To Frizzness: Scarlett...of Wonder Curl!
It's such an honor at The Frizzness to introduce you beautiful curlies to the absolutely gorgeous Scarlett....of WONDER CURL! Some of her secrets to a happy, rockin' mane? Wonder Curl Products, of course! One look at her pictures, & you can see the name doesn't fall far from the tree!
How long have you been rocking your frizzness?I started this journey back in 98, right after college graduation. But, I really embraced my natural hair five years ago.
Did you desire a second date following your BC/End of transition, or did you make reservations for a party of ONE?I was in love with my natural curls…at first! As my hair grew out I still had the ‘straight hair’ mentality and quickly ran for a texturizer. When I finally made the choice to be chemical and heat free and to have patience with my hair is when I truly appreciated my curly hair.
Natural Hair doesn't define who you are BUT.....I became my authentic self when I accepted my hair. I was no longer in a constant battle to make it bend to my needs. Instead, I learned to work with my hair by nurturing it.
What was the moment of epiphany in your journey? My epiphany was when I decided to make my own hair products. I tried different products and knew that my hair could look and feel better. When I couldn’t find it, I made it and when I loved the results I had to share it with other curlies. I haven’t had a bad hair day since!
Because natural manes are so unpredictable, how do you combat feeling defeated on days when your crown seems less than stellar (based your OWN criteria)? I rarely have those moments now that I know how to style my hair. I find that when I work my products in my hair while still wet in a systematic way and don’t disturb my mane while it’s drying, I will have good hair days ahead.
Do random people attempt to lay hands in your mane? I used to have strangers trying to touch my hair when I had a full-on curly Afro. I learned how to ‘bob & weave’ and then explain “You never touch a Black woman’s hair without her permission!”
Do you find your mane becoming the grand topic of conversation? It isn’t so much a topic of discussion as it used to, but it differentiates me from everyone else (especially in professional settings) and it is what makes me memorable.
CONFIDENCE CHECK: Has natural hair allowed you to dance as if no one is watching, or has your aura remain unfazed since your relaxed days? It’s always been my personality to live life and take risks. When I first did the big chop – going from back length straight hair – this was a huge risk. It’s turned out to be the best risk I’ve taken to date!
Share some secrets leading to a fabulous, happy, HEALTHY mane...promise we WILL tell! To toot my own horn…using Wonder Curl products. I make products that I love and use. I use ingredients that serve a purpose for our hair such as Aloe vera gel and Virgin Organic Coconut oil. Don’t take short cuts when it comes to your hair! That means, taking the time to work products thoroughly and drying properly. And find a good natural hair stylist who is as passionate about your hair as you are.
What was the WORST mistake you’ve made along the way? My worst mistake was buying a flat iron. I thought this was the answer to my prayers, but it took away every shred of curl and left my hair flat and stringy. I gave that thing away years ago and will never look at another one again!
What advice can you bless new, transitioning or frustrated kinky curly queens with? Patience and Wonder Curl products.
What natural experiments put the glam in your crown? Which ones ended up filed under Campaign EPIC FAIL? My epic fail isn’t a natural one, but a failure all the same: once upon a time and long ago, I got my texturized hair cut. My hair was in straight up shock! Straight pieces standing out…my coworkers gave me the side eye for days.
What's the most fabulous part of your journey to frizzness? Starting my own business from scratch and getting positive feedback. I always wanted to run my own business; this was the perfect choice for me.
Outside of your gorgeous mane, what inspires you? I’m inspired by the other curlies like me. I also get a sense of accomplishment when a woman tells me how much she loves my products. That keeps me going on the days that I’m sleep deprived and ready to give up.
How can our beautiful readers find you on the web? Just go to my website…www.wondercurl.com
Many thanks & blessings for getting down to frizzness!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Ordered Steps Productions - Press!
Good day, Curly Queens!
Just want to share the latest video from our dance ministry - Ordered Steps Productions. Dancing in the Texas Heat on a Sunday afternoon had the sweats working overtime to poof out my puff, lol! But the combo of Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie, Pantene Curly Spray Gel & Castor Oil held it down for me! And by then it was a 5 day old twist out!
Can you tell me & my curly twins are in the video? Hmmmmmmm....
(...and WHO says naturals are afraid to dance? That's your shouting cue right there!)
There's 2 sides to every Frizz,
Natural Dancer
Just want to share the latest video from our dance ministry - Ordered Steps Productions. Dancing in the Texas Heat on a Sunday afternoon had the sweats working overtime to poof out my puff, lol! But the combo of Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie, Pantene Curly Spray Gel & Castor Oil held it down for me! And by then it was a 5 day old twist out!
Can you tell me & my curly twins are in the video? Hmmmmmmm....
(...and WHO says naturals are afraid to dance? That's your shouting cue right there!)
There's 2 sides to every Frizz,
Natural Dancer
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
"A Tangled Curl We Weave!" Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie Review Part 2
Here's Part 2 of "A Tangled Curl We Weave," my Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie Review....this product is a MUST HAVE for every curly girl!
Disgusted, Sleeping Curly withdrew her hand from her crunchy mass of frizz. Her mane had turned into a wash-n-NO, stubbornly rebelling against any inkling of curl definition, moisture or fashionability. The robust tick of the clock reminded her there wasn't a minute to waste; she just didn't have the time or patience to put her foot on the neck of her strand's unpredicatability today.
The bathroom quickly became a storm of gels her hair despised, conditioners it laughed at & moisturizers that nauseated her curls as she tossed them about the room.
"NOT TODAY!" she screamed at no product in particular. At this rate, she wouldn't even have a second to beat her face....she'd just LOOK BEAT.
Her fresh manicure snatched up the orange labeled container with Shea Moisture elegantly scribed across the top. It hadn't been opened.
"Why not?" she thought, taking off the lid to reveal an auroma so sweet, her stomach rumbled in delight.
Scooping up a mound of the creamy Smoothie solution, her hair turned an unattractive producty color as she slathered on way too much. She quickly realized she only needed a smidge of the Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie as her frizz melted into beautiful coils under its soft formula. The transformation was faster than Instant Noodles....she was going to be alright!
Friday, May 20, 2011
"A Tangled Curl We Weave!" - Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie Review Part I
So anyone that knows me, knows that I love being myself. And myself ADORES creativity. So instead of slapping your curls with a straightforward product review, I thought I'd turn my own experiences with one of my favorite products into a 3 part tale. I hope you enjoy & remember: There's 2 sides to every Frizz! ~ Natural Dancer
The alarm sang from the cell phone with its usual reckless abandon & disregard for a decent night's rest. Possibly, the belligerent attitude of the device arose from having to sound earlier & work harder to wake Sleeping Curly from her snoring, dribbling slumber.
An extra 20 minutes. 20 whole minutes because SC didn't know how her noggin was going to greet her when she finally joined the land of the alert. Were her frizzies going to play nice? Or would they act like they didn't even know her?
She KNEW better than to try a wash & go so late at night, but after yet ANOTHER failed twist out attempt, she had no choice. It was the quick, all-drying, pay-for-it-later wash & go pieced together with a pot luck of products pilfered from the Dungeon Product-Junkie, where spent dollars retired to waste their last days. After all, it wasn't like she had magic hands skilled at whipping up a glorious natural 'do in a pillow's throw like so many other beauties she admired. Nope. Not even CLOSE. In fact, she only had two styles hastily tucked away in her arsenal: Beat or Beat Down.
She never even looked at it.
Sitting upright (following three bouts with the snooze feature), she tried the "shake" test first, furiously sending her head back & forth. Stiff as overcooked chicken. The touch test administered next left her delicate palm feeling like she had a papercut - without the paper.
UUUgghhhh!!!! What was she going to do? If she was late to her 9-5, that would be her head. But checking the mirror....it WAS her head!
The diva never even pondered using her strand's eventual saving grace even though it was staring her in the face from the back of the shelf all along....Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie.
When would that child learn?
To be continued.......
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Getting Down To Frizzness: NoireNaturals!
We are excited to introduce Ashleigh, an intelligent, gorgeous natural owning a tremendously sweet spirit & a head full of vibrant curls! We're already swooning over her upcoming natural hair care line: NoireNaturals...coming this September to take the world of curls by storm!
Tell us about you:
My name is Ashleigh Victoria Thornton, I am a 20-year-old entrepreneur, studying International Business and Spanish at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. After making the transition from relaxed to natural, I decided to develop a product line of my own, called NoireNaturals. The line is made of 100% all-natural ingredients, and was created to cater to the unique needs of ethnic and multiracial hair! (Available for purchase this September)
How long have you been rocking your frizzness?
I have been rocking my “frizzness” loud and proud since the fall of ‘09!
Did you desire a second date following your BC/End of transition, or did you make reservations for a party of ONE?
If you’re referring to how going natural made me feel about dating, it really had no impact on how I felt about that particular area!
Natural Hair doesn't define who you are BUT.....
It has a major influence on who I am as a woman, a leader, and an entrepreneur.
What was the moment of epiphany in your journey?
The moment of epiphany for me during my journey was when I had completely transitioned, and was LOVING the “new” lady in the mirror!
Because natural manes are so unpredictable, how do you combat feeling defeated on days when your crown seems less than stellar (based your OWN criteria)?
I combat the feeling of defeat by comparing the hair issues that I have NOW to the issues that I had when my hair was relaxed… I would rather fight frizz than hair loss ANY day!
Do random people attempt to lay hands in your mane?
Haha, all of the time! As flattering as it is, I am still a firm believer in “look but don’t touch.”;)
Do you find your mane becoming the grand topic of conversation?
Absolutely. I have heard that people who don’t know my name often refer to me as “the girl with the pretty natural hair.”
CONFIDENCE CHECK: Has natural hair allowed you to dance as if no one is watching, or has your aurora remain unfazed since your relaxed days?
I have always been a fairly secure person, but I must admit that being natural has given me an extra shot of confidence! There’s just something about having all of this hair… :)
Share some secrets leading to a fabulous, happy, HEALTHY mane...promise we WILL tell!
Three things: Drink plenty of water/eat well, keep those ends trimmed, and use NoireNaturals!
What was the WORST mistake you’ve made along the way?
The worst mistake I’ve made along the way would have to be getting my hair blown-out… It left me with heat damage that could not be repaired! For now on, I’m sticking to the press-n-curl.
What advice can you bless new, transitioning or frustrated kinky curly queens with?
If you’re transitioning and/or feeling frustrated, DO NOT GIVE UP OR GIVE-IN! Remember that anything worth having is worth fighting for, and your hair is no different... The freedom and overall feeling of being natural will be well worth it in the end!
What natural experiments put the glam in your crown? Which ones ended up filed under Campaign EPIC FAIL?
One natural experiment that ended up being a fail would be my first time trying bantu knots; I had done something wrong, and the results were very LARGE. Hahaha. One experiment that put the glam in my crown was when I whipped up my first batch of shampoo and conditioner… So glam in fact that I shared it with family and friends, who encouraged me to develop my own line!
What's the most fabulous part of your journey to frizzness?
I would have to say that learning how to embrace this new “look” and inspiring others to do the same has been pretty darn fabulous ;)
Outside of your gorgeous mane, what inspires you?
People who are bold enough, brave enough, and bright enough to make things happen! Anyone can be a DREAMER, but the DOERS?—that’s true inspiration right there.
How can our beautiful readers find you on the web?
Find me on facebook at facebook.com/noirenaturals, and on twitter at twitter.com/noirenaturals. Also be on the look out for www.noirenaturals.com (September 2011!)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
3 Month Natural-versary...Vintage Style!
Hi, Sugarlumps!!!! Today is the day I BC'd three months ago & I'm not looking back!So what's a curlie to do on her anniversary? Why, rock out of course!
SN: today, I'm still in love. My hair in the pics is a twist-out using Kimble Bounce Back Curl, Castor Oil, Pantene Spray Gel & H20; complete love-ness settling on my crown! Swoon!!!!
More features are on the way....keep it locked here!
There's 2 sides to every Frizz,
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Getting Down To Frizzness: Braids By Nina!
Meet Nina, a cute curly mommie rockin; her own curly rules!
Tell us about you:
I’m a 21 yr old single mommy of 2 handsome sons.
How long have you been rocking your frizzness?
For almost 4 months now!
Did you desire a second date following your BC/End of transition, or did you make reservations for a party of ONE?
A party of one!
Natural Hair doesn't define who I am BUT.....
It definitely made me a better person. Opened my eyes to ignorance and matured me. It helped me become a better person that my children can look up to and helped me to get to know people before I judge them by their appearance!
What was the moment of epiphany in your journey?
When I cut my hair, the great relief I felt of not caring what ANYBODY had to say or how they felt about it.
Because natural manes are so unpredictable, how do you combat feeling defeated on days when your crown seems less than stellar (based your OWN criteria)?
I just remember why I decided to go natural and how far I have come! And I also remember that my natural hair journey is just like a baby that has to grow and mature, so there will be days when she acts out.
Do random people attempt to lay hands in your mane?
Lol! No not yet!
Do you find your mane becoming the grand topic of conversation?
YESSSSSS!!!!! Some people like it and some don’t and that’s fine with me!
CONFIDENCE CHECK: Has natural hair allowed you to dance as if no one is watching, or has your aura remain unfazed since your relaxed days?
At first, I was more shy and less confident but the more I embrace it, my confidence has risen and I’m more outgoing than when I was relaxed.
Share some secrets leading to a fabulous, happy, HEALTHY mane...promise we WILL tell!
Definitely MOISTURE!!! My hair thrives off moisture and oils lol! My hair will always be FAB if I have water and oils!
What was the WORST mistake you’ve made along the way?
Not doing it sooner!!!
What advice can you bless new, transitioning or frustrated kinky curly queens with?Be patient! Like I’ve said before, the natural hair journey is like raising a child. You have to be patient and determined and be persistent! It’s easier to give up than to keep pressing forward. Don’t be a quitter! It’s well worth it!
What natural experiments put the glam in your crown? Which ones ended up filed under Campaign EPIC FAIL?
Glam: My homemade curly pudding
Fail: My homemade egg deep conditioner lol
What's the most fabulous part of your journey to frizzness?
The most fabulous part of my journey is seeing the growth! It grows so much and it’s just amazing to watch!
Outside of your gorgeous mane, what inspires you?
God and my children. With both of them, I will always strive to be the best at whatever I do.
How can our beautiful readers find you on the web?
On facebook : http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/BRAIDS-BY-NINA/113308475374787
On YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/miszlitebrite?feature=mhee
Many thanks & blessings for getting down to frizzness!
Thank you so much for having me!! =)
What's Natural Dancer's Secret? Hmmmm.....
I woke up feeling like the sun kissed my curls & thinking I might acutally be learning how to walk this natural journey! Never one to count those eggs too quickly, I'll hold off until a day or two to share the recipe I used to get Frizzcella & Fruition out of temporary time out. (Yes, I've named each side of my frizz; that's how I roll!)
Today, I garnered a load of officespace kudos on the new 'do, so my curltuition just might be onto something. ;) Now, if I can keep my hands off it for a few days.....GOAL!!!! ( I always did wish I'd learned to play soccer!)
So stay tuned...either this will be my fab discovery of the summer, or a dillusional hiccup & my mane will morph into a Shakesperean tragedy of epic proportions!
There's 2 sides to every frizz,
<3 cj
Monday, May 16, 2011
Protective Styles Hate Me! No, really!
I, by no means of natural etiquette/standards have mastered the simple, yet convoluted art of protective stying. This elusive yet eandearing (and oft times forsaken) centuries-old treasure is designed to keep our strands healthy and away from the clutches of the evil breakage monster! (Insert ear curdling scream or haunting music here - whichever you prefer).
I digress. In short: put your hair away & you'll keep it. So I've tried. I REALLY have. As a dancer, I'm automatically prone to consistently having my hair surrendured into up-do's because that's just how we roll. And I love my hair in twists because they're well, springy & I just like pulling them & seeing them pop back. (I am easily amused these days, Sugarlumps).
So, with all this talk on the boards saying it's best to keep your fingerprints off your crown, I suppose my extreme shrinkage isn't such an intolerable diva afterall, since my shirt collars don't serve as pillows to my thirsty coils. And...well, I just love how my hair feels! But I always untwist after only a week! (HIH Syndrome - you got me)! But here's the REAL reason I find it hard to bun up:
Hair pins & those ez comb thingys keep stabbing me in my noggin.
There, now you have it. I am allergic to pain. And I cannot get these tools in my mane without nearly drawing blood. And if I could tolerate blood, I would've become a nurse. Hence the reason I, - oh never mind. I digress. AGAIN.
So here I sit. Me & my once smooth crown (from this morning)staring back at me in anger because I couldn't take the pain and evicted the combs of terror from my skull, thus inviting the Frizz Monster to lay his lazy feet up in my house. Oh well. Maybe one day I'll learn. And only then can I move to the most awesome land of Protective Hands. And yes....I just wanted to rhyme just then.
Happy curls!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Getting Down To Frizzness: Truly Naturally Coiled!
How long have you been rocking your frizzness?
I have been completely natural and loving it for a year!
Did you desire a second date following your BC/End of transition, or did you make reservations for a party of ONE?
Just a reservation for one! I was hesitant about the big step but it’s been one of the best decisions I have made for myself!
Natural Hair doesn't define who you are BUT.....
It gives you a sense of HOW I am; I care about my body, my health and those surrounding me. My daughter is completely natural and I care that she has a great example to go by.
What was the moment of epiphany in your journey?
I was suffering from a lot of breakage and damage to my hair, I was forced to cut it off after it all fell out, my mother who is also natural told me that why not try being natural. Just leave the chemicals out and see what it does, and I took heed of her advice and it worked out!
Because natural manes are so unpredictable, how do you combat feeling defeated on days when your crown seems less than stellar (based your OWN criteria)?
I remind myself of why I decided to go on this journey and also everyday wont be a stellar day. I pray everyday for my well being and I appreciate the small things. Regardless of how my mane is acting I know that in this state that it is beautiful and the healthiest it has ever been.
Do random people attempt to lay hands in your mane?Attempt?!
They do it anyway, some will ask, stop me and ask how I take care of it, especially when I wear my afro out, they have so many questions. I love it all! I love Natural Hair!
Do you find your mane becoming the grand topic of conversation?
I do! It goes from “What products do you use” to “So when did your journey start”, to a host of other questions, then I end up giving them my contact information just in case they have more questions.
CONFIDENCE CHECK: Has natural hair allowed you to dance as if no one is watching, or has your aurora remain unfazed since your relaxed days?
My image of myself has changed a little. When I was relaxed, I was very confident in who I was. This journey has allowed me to strip away those superficial parts and discover who I am, who I aspire to be. I’m a much more confident natural, black young woman. I love what this journey gives. I wake up every morning with a song in my heart, I contribute some of that to being a natural but most to God.
Share some secrets leading to a fabulous, happy, HEALTHY mane...promise we WILL tell!
The key for me is moisture, keeping your hair moisturized…fed. We have always been taught that we shouldn’t put hair on our hair, it would mess it up. I spritz my hair every morning with water and coconut oil. Also handling your hair gently like you would a baby. Taking extra time to do scalp massages, getting to know your hair. Less stressful styles, and my main secret is love! Love for my hair, in any state, nappy, curly, just there I love it!
What was the WORST mistake you’ve made along the way?
Being relaxed in the first place! But being natural is a trial and error period, you have to try different things to know what your hair needs will be.
What advice can you bless new, transitioning or frustrated kinky curly queens with?
Patience is key! This journey will develop and be more interesting if you are patient and enjoy along the way. Remember what works for others may not work for you, so have fun figuring it out!
What natural experiments put the glam in your crown? Which ones ended up filed under Campaign EPIC FAIL?
Oils are my friend, I like a nice shiny, curly fro! Fails for me were the Bantu Knots, tried it didn’t work, but that’s not to say that I wont try it again, practice makes perfect! Also I tried the homemade Protein Conditioner using the egg, my hair was harder than cement, so that’s a definite no! No more practice needed on that one!
What's the most fabulous part of your journey to frizzness?
The journey itself, the changes, the frustrations, the learning experience.
Outside of your gorgeous mane, what inspires you?
God is my main inspiration, but seeing others on their natural journey and learning right along side me is a great push. I’m here to teach and inform as much as I can about natural hair and all it has to offer.
How can our beautiful readers find you on the web?
Catch me @ www.youtube.com/trulynaturallycoiled
Facebook me @ https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/TrulyNaturallyCoiled/167558156634789
Many thanks & blessings for getting down to frizzness!
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity! Blessings.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Let's Get Down To Frizzness: Truly Naturally Coiled!
Meet Truly Naturally Coiled - a beautiful natural with an inspiring story!
How long have you been rocking your frizzness?
I have been completely natural and loving it for a year!
Did you desire a second date following your BC/End of transition, or did you make reservations for a party of ONE?
Just a reservation for one! I was hesitant about the big step but it’s been one of the best decisions I have made for myself!
Natural Hair doesn't define who I am,BUT.....
It gives you a sense of HOW I am; I care about my body, my health and those surrounding me. My daughter is completely natural and I care that she has a great example to go by.
What was the moment of epiphany in your journey?
I was suffering from a lot of breakage and damage to my hair, I was forced to cut it off after it all fell out, my mother who is also natural told me that why not try being natural. Just leave the chemicals out and see what it does, and I took heed of her advice and it worked out!
Because natural manes are so unpredictable, how do you combat feeling defeated on days when your crown seems less than stellar (based your OWN criteria)?
I remind myself of why I decided to go on this journey and also everyday wont be a stellar day. I pray everyday for my well being and I appreciate the small things. Regardless of how my mane is acting I know that in this state that it is beautiful and the healthiest it has ever been.
Do random people attempt to lay hands in your mane?Attempt?!
They do it anyway, some will ask, stop me and ask how I take care of it, especially when I wear my afro out, they have so many questions. I love it all! I love Natural Hair!
Do you find your mane becoming the grand topic of conversation?
I do! It goes from “What products do you use” to “So when did your journey start”, to a host of other questions, then I end up giving them my contact information just in case they have more questions.
CONFIDENCE CHECK: Has natural hair allowed you to dance as if no one is watching, or has your aurora remain unfazed since your relaxed days?
My image of myself has changed a little. When I was relaxed, I was very confident in who I was. This journey has allowed me to strip away those superficial parts and discover who I am, who I aspire to be. I’m a much more confident natural, black young woman. I love what this journey gives. I wake up every morning with a song in my heart, I contribute some of that to being a natural but most to God.
Share some secrets leading to a fabulous, happy, HEALTHY mane...promise we WILL tell!
The key for me is moisture, keeping your hair moisturized…fed. We have always been taught that we shouldn’t put hair on our hair, it would mess it up. I spritz my hair every morning with water and coconut oil. Also handling your hair gently like you would a baby. Taking extra time to do scalp massages, getting to know your hair. Less stressful styles, and my main secret is love! Love for my hair, in any state, nappy, curly, just there I love it!
What was the WORST mistake you’ve made along the way?
Being relaxed in the first place! But being natural is a trial and error period, you have to try different things to know what your hair needs will be.
What advice can you bless new, transitioning or frustrated kinky curly queens with?
Patience is key! This journey will develop and be more interesting if you are patient and enjoy along the way. Remember what works for others may not work for you, so have fun figuring it out!
What natural experiments put the glam in your crown? Which ones ended up filed under Campaign EPIC FAIL?
Oils are my friend, I like a nice shiny, curly fro! Fails for me were the Bantu Knots, tried it didn’t work, but that’s not to say that I wont try it again, practice makes perfect! Also I tried the homemade Protein Conditioner using the egg, my hair was harder than cement, so that’s a definite no! No more practice needed on that one!
What's the most fabulous part of your journey to frizzness?
The journey itself, the changes, the frustrations, the learning experience.
Outside of your gorgeous mane, what inspires you?
God is my main inspiration, but seeing others on their natural journey and learning right along side me is a great push. I’m here to teach and inform as much as I can about natural hair and all it has to offer.
How can our beautiful readers find you on the web?
Catch me @ www.youtube.com/trulynaturallycoiled
Facebook me @ https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/TrulyNaturallyCoiled/167558156634789
Many thanks & blessings for getting down to frizzness!
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity! Blessings.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Who Am I? naturaldancer!
Well this has been a minute in the making! I was going to document my blissful layover in Transitionland last year which started off as optimistic, motivated, carefree and & oh-so inspired. Perusing the gorgeous Fotki pages of kinky-curly beauties, MySelf said: "Hey, we got this!" But suddenly, my kinks rode in on dry wave of reality! Even tumbleweeds would throw beverages at my moptop of tangles and dry knots like the New Directions kids on "Glee"!
Ok, maybe it wasn't THAT bad.
For months, I dutifully soaked up tips, facts, products and such like a sponge & all was alright in the natural-uverse & routine central....at first. Unfortunately after a minute & a half of transitioning, my crown of glory didn't feel like playing nice anymore. Can you believe she actually wanted to box?! You know how even the cutest kids hit a certain age where adults compliment them on their clothes (or worse belongings) rather than anoint them as beautiful? Well, my hair looked like a regretful yearbook picture after five months. Didn't even look like my head anymore. I started stalking the beauty supply store in hopes of finding any relaxer I could to put this misbehavin' mane in time out! (Not a shining moment; I hold my head in shame).
As a dancer who spends an obsene amount of time in the public eye, I have to always keep my hair looking it's best. And in spite of all my efforts, I STILL ended up with a frizzy whatchamadoodle on top of my head until I learned how to slap some water and moisturizer on it generously. It wasn't even until month nine that I finally achieved a slick bun, hallelujah!!!! (Excuse me for one second while I shout. Insert your own music here.) Keep in mind I have now grown the nerve post BC to rock my curls/coils in the ornery Texas heat while dancing/working up a sweat. The bigger it gets, the more I fall in love. Swoon.....
I transitioned for the long haul, finally throwing my straight ends the peace sign after 17 months because everyone thought my hair was already natural, lol! And now, almost all of my dancers (Ordered Steps Productions) are natural or transitioning, too! Rockin' ruff & stuff with our curly puffs, aye!
So I'm sitting at three months 100 percent au naturale - and I LOVE it! Did I want a second date after my BC? Uummmm...NO. I almost tatooed "What did I just do?" across my forehead when my curly hubby gave my frizz & frack the side eye. In silence. BUT I've learned to manage it (detangling - a breeze), keep it moisturized, haven't touched it with heat in a year, & trying new things until I find my oasis. But I know I'm headed in the right direction because Hubbs said he couldn't see in the car past my fro, lol! I'm very tightly coiled, and have learned to love the little darlings. Shrinkage, however, still gets the eye roll from me but maybe I'll get used to that too.
And why did I go natural in the first place? I ALWAYS swooned over natural hair...but never knew I could have my own crowning glory. And to think I wore a jheri curl!
So welcome to my blog: thefrizzness.blogspot.com. We're planning a natural meet-up in Dallas soon....because our hair is THE FRIZZNESS!!!! <3
candice ~ naturaldancer
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