Hiya, Curlie-Pies!
It's been a busy, busy time for me dancing & such. But when I tell GOD has been so good, I am telling you the TRUTH!
Now, down to hair biz....
I don't like to experiment much with my strands when I'm in front of folk.....which has been nearly every day for the last few weeks. Alas, I still like for my wig to look tended to, yes? That to say I've been testing some products to review which has kinda thrown my coils into a bit of a tizzy because none of it involved my beloved Scurl which I had to add back in. My curls HATE being styled dripping wet & come out drier than a blank stare in response to a crappy joke when I try it. No Scurl, dripping tresses, experiments gone wrong (Royal Crown Hair Grease debacle) have all led to my hands being in my hair waaaaaayyyyyyy to much! I'm about on my third wash or rinse this week, grrrrrrr. So I've got to rinse my head one more again, & leave it alone for a minute. I'm not happy & I don't think my mane is either.
Oh & my hair seems to be changing: it no longer likes gel, my twists look plain weird for some reason, and the longer it's gotten.....my puff has disappeared into the land of the ponytails.
So that's what's been going on with me. Are you a chronic manipulator? How do you get over that when your crown doesn't look (or feel) the way you want it to? And how long does it take you to get your hair moisturized after washing?
There's 2 sides to every Frizz,
natural dancer
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