Great Monday, Lovies!
So over the wonderful weekend, I had my first natural panic attack! Ok, not really but I came THISCLOSE. See, I felt the need to be prepared for some pretty big events my dance company was at this past weekend. Blunder #1 followed: I thought I could prep a quick twist-out for the weekend late Thursday after teaching a dance class. Whomp whomp! For the first time since my curly livelihood, my hair was WET in the morning upon takedown. Are you serious!? So I quickly dropped some Shea Moisture Curl & Style Milk down my coil's throat & chased it with Herbal Essences Set Me Up Gel before heading to the job.
Looked great, but the crunchiness was making that little side vein pop out of my neck. Hmmmmm. Normal that feeling wears off, but this time it didn't. So I tried again with Kinky Curly Spiral Spritz combo'd with Eco Styler Clear Gel. Again, fabulous, sort of bouncy coils that didn't look ashy or dry with marvelously coiled ends. I had a bit of bounce, but missed the swing in that thing!
I had to dip into my mane again because it just kept feeling so DRY & I'm not used to that. So I sat up frustrated.
Wow. Was this unresponsiveness to my staples typical as I've heard so many curlies raise the white flag on? I mean, things have been going so well between me & my 'fro - let's not break up now! Arrgggg!!!!!
In my mind wandering (which I do quite often) the answer smacked me square on my jaw: I accidentally removed S-Curl from my mix. (Sticking my forehead out for you to pop me on it). Yep, naturalistas, I hadn't realized how much my hair relies on glycerin for its moisture. One simple step threw me off course. So last night I doused my strands with S-Curl, captured my curls into three pineapple puffs & called the Sandman. Today, my hair is soft, bouncy & well defined. Don't know what I'll do come winter (which I hear doesn't play nice with glycerin) but for now this works. And my curls are ever the happier for it!
What about you? Have you ever inadvertently changed your routine only to have you mane cop an attitude with you?
There's 2 sides to every Frizz,
Natural dancer
1 comment:
I understand completely sometimes you've got to leave well enough alone
I've got old disaster hair to prove it
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